He doesn’t Like me

I had two off-ball offensive fouls. The coach didn’t believe either. He said, “They’re flopping.” They weren’t. In the first play, the ball was transitioning up the court in the backcourt. I didn’t get all of the information. I failed to get my eyes on the defensive player as he attempted to gain a legal guarding position on the transitioning post player. The post player had his eyes over his shoulder, looking back at the ball. He never saw it coming. My guess, it was a block. The defender slipped in late. But who would know? It wasn’t on tape, and everyone had their eyes on the player in the backcourt watching the ball.

Play two. I was ready, and I saw the set up then the crash. The defender set up nicely took a deep breath and took the contact center in the chest.

Coach screamed, “They’re flopping. What are you doing?  You just don’t like me.”

I responded, “OK.”

He realized I wasn’t entertaining his conversation and approached my partner. “He doesn’t like me.” The conversation became a whisper far from my visual field.

My partner approached me at the next timeout. “Coach says you don’t like him.”

“I don’t. But if I did like him, what would it change?”

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This is the first graphic novel based on the webcomic FOULS AND VIOLATIONS, Life of a Referee Uncovered.