In episode one of the HBO series, Ted Lasso, the main character, is hired as the new coach of the soccer team AFC Richmond. Upon arriving into England, Ted Lasso comes to the arena, walks onto the field, takes a knee, and touches the grass. He looks up at his assistant coach Beard and says, “Feels different. It’s the same but feels different”.
I remember my first experience refereeing a game with players on the court. The smell of the gym was memorable—the hardwood floors were imperfect, creaky, and unleveled. The baseline had a particular sag near the basket, and that first step felt uncertain. I remember The roar from disappointed fans, coaches, and players, and they could care less that today was my first day.
Whenever I go to a new arena, I walk onto the court and touch the wood floor. “Feels different. It’s the same but feels different.” Many days I questioned my ability to do this job, I often failed. My bright spot was the next game. The smell, the wood floor, reminds me of that first day.
I do love the smell of the gym. Smells like potential.