I’ll never know.
Let me start by saying that referees take some shots. Its the start of baseball season and today I’m a fan. I get front row seats for a college baseball game. I’m right between home plate and first base. The referee geek in me emerges. I can hear everything the Umpire does and says. Im in referee heaven. I love the interactions between the players and the coaches….And the ridiculous comment from the fans.

The pitch count was one ball, one strike. University of Miami pitcher throws a pitch that slips past the catcher. Thump. The pitch hits Umpire Manny Salazar’s chest plate. The impact sounded like swinging a baseball bat into a heavy bag. Man, that sounds painful. The umpire back drops right into the dirt. His legs had no time to recover. He laid down approximately 4-5 minutes. He finally gets up and walks it off. Game continues. I’m not sure I could have taken that. I think I’ll stick to Basketball.
Life of a Referee Uncovered