The season is over. Wow.
Basketball Referees run about 2.5 to 3.5 miles per game. We sweet. Sometimes I feel like we are not recognized as athletes. It shows whenever you arrive at an arena and a school will have us get dressed in a small broom closet, if we are luck. If we do have a locker, it will be the soccer teams locker room. Or the coaches locker room. I get it…Some schools just don’t have the space. Some of these old arenas barely thought about the needs of the student athletes when they where built. But lately you will see a school or university build a new arena and as soon as you walk in you notice they don’t have a room for the officials. Like…dude, who approved the building plans? Where do you want me to change? In the hallway? Not even a shower? Dang!
One of my highlights in the regular season was a game at Elon University in North Carolina. They have a brand new basketball arena/facility. I walk in and it’s refreshing to see we have a separate referee locker room. I’m like, “Nice”. I thank the Lord for the small blessing. But it doesn’t end there. They also have our names on a locker. Way cool. Game management does this for every referee crew that works their games.
Small touch. Meaningful touch.
Life of a Basketball Referee Uncovered.