This basketball season, I was introduced to Neat Tucks. Neat Tucks is an advanced version of a shirt stay.
Shirt stays is a device that’s primary purpose is to keep your shirt neatly tucked in your uniform. A product commonly utilized by the uniformed community such as the armed forces and law enforcement.
Neat Tucks is a comfortable switch from the traditional shirt stay.
With Neat Tucks, you have the ability to clip onto the bottom edge of your shirt the same as a traditional shirt stay. The difference, Neat Tuck elastic band attaches onto your thigh with an adjustable buckle and not your feet. The buckle strap can be adjusted to your comfort.
Why do I like the product?
For starters, If I’m dressed with the traditional shirt stay and have to use a restroom, I would have to go through the tedious process of removing the clips from my shirt and feet. With NeatTucks, I would have to release the buckle around my thigh. When finished, I just reattach the buckle. I also love that you are able to wear this product with shorts. You can adjust them so the strap hides above the length of the short.
“Doesn’t the straps ride up your leg? Or thigh?
The answer…No. This has never been an issue with me.
“Are they uncomfortable?”
No. If you feel like the strap is digging into your leg, as an added layer I suggest wearing compression shorts under your Neat Tucks. This product a great addition to my overall uniform neatness.
First impressions matter. For a coach or fan, appearance is everything.
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