Masking your profile


Because of COVID, I know there are a lot of referees who haven’t shaved in the last six months. A lot of us don’t want to shave but know the officiating community has a standard that is CLEAN shaven. Our military and police forces are clean shaven because, in their eyes, it creates an image of order, hygiene and discipline. Beards are allowed for health and religious reasons. Referees hold onto these same standards. Its not in the rule book but it’s that unspoken rule.

The National Federation High School Basketball rule book reads:

Rule 2: Officials and table officials: ART. 1 . . . The official’s uniform shall be a black-and-white striped shirt, black pants, primarily black shoes and socks.

That’s it. No mention of facial hair or grooming. This rulebook language is consistent in the High School and in the college ranks. Its also consistent in different sports. It’s the unspoken rule. If you’re at camp and you have a beard, someone will point it out in a negative context. Forget about your personal rights when it comes to facial hair. At the higher levels of sports you will never see an official with facial hair.

It’s unfortunate. I hope one day we can be more flexible with these standards.

I like my five o’clock shadow.

Safe travels

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This is the first graphic novel based on the webcomic FOULS AND VIOLATIONS, Life of a Referee Uncovered.