COVID 19 continues

This week was really hard and next week will probably be harder. We can do this if we all look out for each other, if we fight *for* each other. But it’s gonna be hard. Tell the people you love that you love them over and over. 

Be great

Stay focused and take care of each other today 

Today’s tasks:

1. Mindfully make my bed.

2. Perform a random act of kindness.

3. Reflect on how I have bloomed through adversity in my life.

4. Practice patience and allow things to unfold in their own time.

5. Think of 3 people who have made a difference in my life. Write them a note expressing my appreciation and thanking them. Deliver it by mail, email, text, social media or hand.

Life’s greatest adventures and discoveries await us just outside our comfort zone.

I thank my friend Mike Schmidt for these words of wisdom.

“When physical distancing is deemed necessary, social and emotional connectedness is even more critical.”

— Karen Niemi, Edutopia

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This is the first graphic novel based on the webcomic FOULS AND VIOLATIONS, Life of a Referee Uncovered.