PalmCon 2022

Great turnout at this weeks PalmCOn. Thank you everyone who stopped by my table. I love building new relationships with my audience. Thank you for

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OUCH! Heel pain. Foot Health: A quick look at a common foot problem.

After a 40 minute basketball game, my game my feet ache. Do I have the right shoes? Is it poor running technique? Do I need to stretch more? Or is it just overuse? These are some common questions. Referees run approximately 2.5 to 3 miles per game. During the season you can easily have four games in five nights. Thats 15 miles of pounding the hardwood in five days. With this much time on your feet referees need to invest in foot health. I spoke with Dr. Roxann V. Clarke, Podiatric Surgeon, Wound Care Specialist fromDowntown Podiatry in New York City to get her incite on a common foot ache.

This is the first graphic novel based on the webcomic FOULS AND VIOLATIONS, Life of a Referee Uncovered.