The IrREFutable Magazine
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When I first began my officiating career, I was handed some basic fundamentals that I unconsciously carry into my game today. During a preseason conference call Jon Levinson NCAA Women’s secretary-rules editor reminded the group of these fundamentals. Every sport has them. In fact every profession has some fundamentals or basics that we should remind ourselves of. Find them.
Career Day
Career day is show and tell. On career day you get to talk about your profession to students and hope the kids are interested enough to ask questions. Hopefully a few of these kids will be inspired and realize that there is a wonderful career as an artist. Every year I try to attend at least two career days. This
Being Wrong
Being wrong isn’t fatal, it’s merely something we’d prefer to avoid. We have the privilege of being wrong. Not being wrong on purpose, of course, but wrong as a cost on the way to being right. Seth Godin

OUCH! Heel pain. Foot Health: A quick look at a common foot problem.
After a 40 minute basketball game, my game my feet ache. Do I have the right shoes? Is it poor running technique? Do I need to stretch more? Or is it just overuse? These are some common questions. Referees run approximately 2.5 to 3 miles per game. During the season you can easily have four games in five nights. Thats 15 miles of pounding the hardwood in five days. With this much time on your feet referees need to invest in foot health. I spoke with Dr. Roxann V. Clarke, Podiatric Surgeon, Wound Care Specialist fromDowntown Podiatry in New York City to get her incite on a common foot ache.
Ice and Elevate: Post Game recovery
Through the advice of Dr. Ajaya L. Williams from TAPE (Taking Action with Preventative Education) she gave me a three step plan to post game recovery that has been beneficial to me performing at my best.